FAMILY HISTORY DRAMA : Unbelievable True Stories
When we look over someone else’s life, we are amazed, we are awed, we are emotionally bedazzled at the ordeals they survived and even thrived through. Their life was normal…for them. As your crazy adventures in life will be for you. Part of your ability to be emotionally bedazzled by the life of another is the capacity to FEEL them as they might have experienced their circumstances. They want their lives to be learned from and appreciated for whatever value you can extract of it. Please don’t let the lives of your ancestors be only a name on a family tree or a blip on the radar that fades with each generational reset. I’m gonna tell you a little secret…there is a profound superpower to be had in making the “Dia de los Muertos” an everyday occasion. Read your ancestor stories, share them with your children. Remember them. Feel them. Learn from them. Because History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.
EP 22 Jesse Perse Harmon Pt 6: Bounty 💰 Treason 🫣 & Arrested

EP 21 Jesse Perse Harmon Pt 5: 🥶 Alpheus 🤠 Posse 🚢 & The Maid Of Iowa

Ep 20 Jesse Perse Harmon Pt 4: Nauvoo 🏡 General Conference ⛪️ Gov Boggs shot

Ep 19 Jesse Perse Harmon Pt 3: Kirtland ⛪️ Family & Faith 🙏 Immigration to Illinois 🐎

Ep 18 Jesse Perse Harmon Pt 2: Cannonballs💥Marriage💍Jesus🙏

Ep 17 Jesse Perse Harmon Pt 1: 💥 The Siege of Fort Erie ❤️🩹 Spared from Death

Ep 16 Howard Leon Whetten Pt 3 🛶 Angels of the Solomon Islands

Ep 15 Howard Leon Whetten Pt 2 ✈️ Midnight’s Watery Grave

Ep 14 Howard Leon Whetten Pt 1 👨🌾 Don’t Hate Your Enemies 👨🎓

Ep 13 War & Tragedy at Boykin, South Carolina

Ep 12 😇Angel on the Train🚂& the Black Widow 🕷

Ep 11 ⛏Colorado Gold, 👩🍼Tragedy, & Gus🚂

Ep 10 📞The Phone Call : 🐎Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

Ep 9 🩺Dr. Priddy Meeks : 🥶 Frostbite, Polygamy & Cayenne Pepper🌶

Ep 8 🔫Armed & Dangerous⚠️ : 🐴The Phantom Ranch Ranger🤠

Ep 7 Bub Meeks Pt 2:🤠Prisoner #574, Good Teeth🦷 , Mustache & Size 7 Boots🥾

Ep 6 Bub Meeks Pt 1:🐎Fresh Horses, Butch Cassidy 🐿 & Unauthorized Bank Withdrawals💰

Ep 5 Heber Jesse Meeks: 🐄 Milk Heist, Ghost🐎Horse, & Malt Beer🍺

Ep 4 Chief Walkara 🪶 the Blizzard❄️ and Nikki🐍

Ep 3 Cowards 😬 Captives & Kings 👑 : Somhairle Mòr

Ep 2 Lions🦁Brothers & Bears 🐻…Oh My!

Ep 1 ❤️🩹 1883 🐎 Paris🥔, & Libbie💝

Introduction - Family History Drama 📝