FAMILY HISTORY DRAMA : Unbelievable True Stories

Ep 12 🤔❤️ Tina Turner & Weeble Wobbles 🙃

• Travis Heaton • Season 1 • Episode 12

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  1. Tina Turner got it right…What’s love got to do with it?
  2. Love is NOT the center of Gravity
  3. If you want an authentic and effective Weeble, you better add your center of gravity FIRST. 
  4. Time+Experience=Relationship & Love (Glen Grygla)
  5. PBJ’s are good, and comfort food. 
  6. Gather the ingredients before you decide on a sandwich 🥪 
  7. Remember the miracle whip commercials “A sandwich just isn’t a sandwich without the zesty taste of miracle whip.” Brilliant marketing campaign, and profound in our discussion. 
  8. Love just isnt…without LIKE & ENJOY
  9. You’re never too old to learn how to wobble strategically 


Weeble Wobble (Link)

AAPT Physics Education

Tina Turner, “What’s Love Got To Do With It?”

Miracle Whip Commercials
Midnight Sandwich
Salad Romance Lost

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Generational Healing Through Family History
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As Tina turner would say, “what’s love got to do, got to do with it? Whaaa…” 

(Um yeah, look it up, or follow the link in my show notes)

Love isnt enough!

I hate to break it to you, but Love is NOT the center of Gravity!

LOVE canNOT survive alone!

Could you take a basic Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich and just consider it a sandwich? Well yes we could. We do it all the time. But thats a mistake. Let me ask you something, If I walked into Panera Bread and asked for a sandwich. What do you think I would get? Yeah, additional questions. “What kind of sandwich would you like today?” “Oh I’d like a really good one please.” And astute waiter would say “Would you like to try our Chipotle chicken avocado melt or maybe our roasted turkey and avocado BLT or would you like to try the toasted steak and white cheddar? To which I would respond “oh yes yes give me the good one.” No, I’ve never been in a Panera bread establishment. Because I live in Timbuckthree. But the same would go for a Subway or Arby’s or the freaky fresh sandwiches of Jimmy John’s. And I’m certain they would begin to ask specific questions like “Ok sir…. I need you to step back from the counter…..Look at the menu and give me a NUMBER.” 

How about a what kind of bread would you like, what kind of dressing, meat, cheese, toppings, etc etc etc?” What do I want my sandwich to consist of. Now you might ask yourself how did I get from a Tina turner love song to talking about food? Well because food is amazing I have a love affair with food and food can bring comfort and it can absolutely be romantic. Yeah it can. Have you ever had sushi while sitting on a large boulder at a “look out point”, with someone that you are really cray cray about? A cool breeze after a long day together, new feelings, heart still racing, you over analyzing everything that happens, cause thats what guys do. FYI were pretty lousy signal readers. overlooking the city lights on the late summer evening in August? Well I have, and food is Romantic. Sushi just isn’t sushi anymore. Its Suuuuuushi. Hehehe

Are we specific when we ask for things at a restaurant if we dont like certain things or have a food allergy? Paul Harvey told a story once of a man eating at a restaurant He started choking on some food, a nearby Dr performed the Heimlich maneuver and saved him. Well the man reacted to the physical trauma of the Heimlich maneuver and went into cardiac arrest. The doctor then performed CPR and revived the man. All’s good right, two birds with one stone. Well the only problem is that the doctor had just been eating peanuts, and in performing the Mouth to mouth portion of the CPR transferred some of the peanut to the man’s mouth, who was highly allergic to peanuts. And he died from Anaphylactic shock. Sometimes God just wants you home. And there’s absolutely nothing you can do about that. But when it comes to speaking up, choosing our sandwich toppings, or expressing things we need from food, friends and especially relationships. If we don’t speak up, there’s a good chance we’ll never get what we need, or that someone else will help us in their way, and could deal us an emotional version of Anaphylactic shock. 

I heard some relationship & marital advice recently. The questions surprisingly didnt include, “do you love each other?” Or “do you share values?” It was a simple “do you enjoy each other?” The longevity of a relationship & marriage is in the simple enjoyment of each other. The advice went on to say that “liking” each other is more important than “loving” each other. And you might say, oh how blasphemous. But I encourage you to challenge yourself on this. Love doesn’t sprout from nowhere. There must be a foundation, there must to be a center of gravity. Love is not its own center of gravity. You can place love into whatever part of speech you want, but unless you have a foundational substance from which it can root and grow, love is going to be floating like a helium balloon, yeah you get my drift. I’ve found Birthday balloons all over the place. When people with them go, they go up and up and up and it is amazing you’re just thinking oh my gosh that’s the kind of love I want. But eventually the helium runs out and the balloon comes down. Love does have a levitating effect, and the effects of love can be amazing, and spectacular, until they aren’t. I know that none of us have ever enjoyed being grounded, but this is one time you should demand it.

Have you heard the saying “Choose your LOVE and LOVE your choice?”

Love is a choice, and choices alone CANNOT sustain a healthy and prosperous relationship or marriage. I am not talking about white knuckling a relationship, or surviving a lifetime with someone. I have seen that. Its not pretty, and its not something I would choose to pass on. “Look at me, i can live miserably”. Healthy & Joyous Sustainability requires other ingredients. Other VITAL ingredients. Liking & Enjoying someone is all about chemistry & frequency. Two things that cannot be faked or fabricated. So yes, choose Your love and love your choice, after you do your homework, after the due diligence is done. If you don’t study for a test, what do you expect from the results? Healthy romance is hard work, its complex and its in the details. It just seems like we’ve become more and more of a shortcut society. 

Shortcut to wealth. 

Shortcut to happiness. 

Shortcut to weight loss. 

Shortcut to fitness. 

Shortcut to love and forever happiness.

Ive been in enough relationships, married twice, divorced twice. So I feel like I am somewhat of an expert on relationships, with an associates in marriages, and a bachelor in rash choices. 

For me I have absolutely been in marriages and relationships where i loved someone (my choice) yet i didnt like or enjoy the relationship (which is inclusive of chemistry & frequency). Nothing to do directly with them or me specifically. Like & Enjoy are two things you cant fake or fabricate. Now there are the mysterious elements of soulmates or twin flames. That’s an entirely different episode. If you fully understood the hard work, Dedication, and devotion required to reveal a soulmate or twin flame connection with someone, you wouldn’t wish that on anyone. It’s grueling, its untimely, it’s intrusive, and painfully growth oriented, it’s definitely not meant for wussy’s.

Like & Enjoy MUST be the center of gravity in relationships. Love is unable to sustain anything of fulfilling and joyful substance without that center of gravity. 

Do you remember the weeble toys? You know, “Weebles wobble, but they dont fall down.”

The physics of a weeble and the magic to its capacity to rebound are found in its design. Two major things are required, one of them is the heavy center of gravity in the base. And the other is the large forgiving curvature of that base. I cannot emphasize this enough…There MUST be a higher density at the base in order for the Weeble to rebound from a wobble!

The Weebles of our relationships & Marriages are going to wobble. Life will guarantee that. Without the center of gravity (I will insert as the “enjoy” part of a relationship) and the large forgiving curvature (I will refer to as the “Like” element), constantly returning to an upright position in a relationship after each wobble, becomes a burden that is eventually insurmountable. Now you might choose to live with your relationship toppled over. A LOT of people do that. How sad. So many people survive in a relationship that remains perpetually brain dead but on life support because the Like & Enjoy were either never established or they failed to nourish those key ingredients. 

Have you ever heard the advice, “Marry someone you are willing to forgive.” That’s the large forgiving curvature of the Weeble. 

The elements of “Like” and “Enjoy” will be verified over time or exposed for their absence. I am not going to say that they can or cant be built. Its like any investment infomercial would say, “this investment is pure speculation, my success does not guarantee your future results. You could and probably will lose your shirt and have your heart crushed in this deal. Invest at your own risk”. (Or something like that) Love, if we want it to be something of longevity MUST be anchored in the center of Like & Enjoy. 

If it naturally exists, whether developed (not fabricated) or revealed, This is the shared center of gravity with your significant other. From what i understand about the physics of the Weeble as it relates to relationships, if you have the natural occurring Like & Enjoy, there is a center of gravity that keeps a relationship upright and allows love as a result to be prevalent and abundant. It’s easier for you to “fall into love” with someone, when yunz have busted your butts (before and continually) to like and enjoy each other. That isnt just important, it’s VITAL. Its Oxygen. Irreplaceable if one wants joy and fulfillment in a marriage and life together. Love cant do that. Love wasnt made for that. Love cannot be sustained alone. It will wilt in the heat of the circumstances if it isn’t deeply rooted and nourished from Like & Enjoy. There might seem to be more LOVE than anything else in a relationship, because well…love is prevalent in public and in the perceptions of us to others. Love is that tip of the iceberg above the water. But volume doesnt equate to the essential higher density of LIKE & ENJOY beneath the surface, under it all. 

TIME + EXPERIENCE = Relationship (Marriage counselor Glen Grygla)

Time and experiences are mandatory for deciphering if you have “like” and “enjoyment” as a foundational soil mixture for any love that you wish to plant explore or develop. Without like and enjoyment it is virtually impossible for love to give you fulfillment and joy. You cant choose your way fulfillment and joy in a relationship. Because there are two of you. You cant choose someone else to a place of fulfillment, or joy. There are so many NEEDED aspects of a relationship that are naturally recurring. It’s your responsibility to dig, search, sift, discover, analyze, investigate, question, interrogate, boil down, etc. Most relationships skip the work, and suffer the consequences of a HUGE gamble in something required for sustainability that may or may not be present.

Oh Travis you are making this too complicated. Am I? Are you really afraid of something that could have a forever potential being a bit of a battle to initiate, and continuously “under construction” for the rest of your life? How long would you patiently battle for a soulmate connection?

If you are looking for an easy ride, stay single. Dont torture someone else with your haphazard approach to devotion and longevity. Although pbj’s are so good to eat, you cant surf on a piece of white bread. 

Let me give you some additional lyrics from the Tina Turner song:

You must understand, though the touch of your hand

Makes my pulse react

That it's only the thrill of boy meeting girl

Opposites attract

It's physical

Only logical

You must try to ignore that it means more than that

It may seem to you that I'm acting confused

When you're close to me

If I tend to look dazed, I've read it someplace

I've got cause to be

There's a name for it

There's a phrase that fits

But whatever the reason, you do it for me

Relationship Coach Corey Wayne expressed it this way (I have adapted this comment to fit the theory of the “like & enjoy” enabling longevity love), “Most people settle for average lives, careers, businesses, bodies, friends and lovers. Way too many men and women date and marry people they dont enjoy or like, but have initiated “foundationless” feelings of love for them because they don’t have the courage to stay single, improve themselves and find someone who sets their soul on fire.” 

The essence of “setting someone’s soul on fire” is finding someone with your same frequency, your same energy, someone you like and enjoy. Not someone you love. You can’t have that first. Love is the fruit, Love is the bumper crop. Love is the harvest. Love is the bushels of grains or fruits vegetables or lockers of meat. LIKE & ENJOY of the weeding and tilling, watering and planting, fertilizing and guarding it from gophers, harmful insects, diseases and hungry creatures. Healthy Love, with staying power, is a result.

Like & Enjoy are the foundation of the healthy longevity of relationships and marriage. Like & enjoy requires a congruency that cant be fabricated. Love CANNOT create like and enjoy. The creator (Like & Enjoy) is always greater than the created (Love)

Love is a result, and outgrowth of LIKE & ENJOY. Dont skip steps, make them intentionally. Trust the process. Feeling your oats in a relationship is as much emotional as it is physical. Its just as much intimacy as it is frequency. Dont be reckless with love. I have, regrettably. Care enough about yourself and the other person to put in your due diligence before you choose to fall in love. 

Well, Bob Proctor has expressed, “Attraction/Love is almost synonymous with ignorance. Attraction is a secondary law. The primary law is the law of vibration. The only thing we can attract to us, is that which is in resonance with us.” Become the person you want to marry. Dang sound advice.

This is exactly why Tina turner said, “what’s love got to do with it? What’s love but a second hand emotion.”

Healthy Love is unable to become greater than the sum of its parts, when we neglect, forget, or omit the parts, there is no way for love to make up what isnt…or to be healthy.

Healthy love will absolutely be greater than the sum of its parts, when we include, remember, and nourish those parts. 

Here are my takeaways:

  1. Tina Turner got it right…What’s love got to do with it?
  2. Love is NOT the center of Gravity
  3. If you want an authentic and effective Weeble, you better add your center of gravity FIRST. 
  4. Time+Experience=Relationship & Love (Glen Grygla)
  5. PBJ’s are good, and comfort food. 
  6. Gather the ingredients before you decide on a sandwich 🥪 
  7. Remember the miracle whip commercials “A sandwich just isn’t a sandwich without the zesty taste of miracle whip.” Brilliant marketing campaign, and profound in our discussion. 
  8. Love just isnt…without LIKE & ENJOY
  9. You’re never too old to learn how to wobble strategically 

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