FAMILY HISTORY DRAMA : Unbelievable True Stories

Ep 9 🔥🚗 Go Ahead, Make My Day! 📦

October 01, 2021 Travis Heaton Season 1 Episode 9
Ep 9 🔥🚗 Go Ahead, Make My Day! 📦
FAMILY HISTORY DRAMA : Unbelievable True Stories
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FAMILY HISTORY DRAMA : Unbelievable True Stories
Ep 9 🔥🚗 Go Ahead, Make My Day! 📦
Oct 01, 2021 Season 1 Episode 9
Travis Heaton

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Enthusiasm begets enthusiasm.

Challenge that hypothesis. Prove the universe wrong. Even if the person has been weaned on a pickle, your joy, with the proper frequency will be delivered, your job is done, and your frequency is secured. 

Be nice to your UPS drivers. If your dog is at risk or risky, keep them contained. Its the courteous thing to do. 

Buffalo wings don’t come from “a buffalo”, they come from Buffalo

Johnny Appleseed never saw the trees he planted, nor did he taste directly of the fruits if his Labors. You can count the seeds in an apple, but can you count the apples from a single seed?

How do you make someone’s day?

How do you go out of your way to show up for others?

Sharing meaningful enthusiasm isnt about changing others, its about retaining yourself, and your frequency. Hold your enthusiastic ground.

Do your part, and do it well…


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Generational Healing Through Family History
Memories Are Passed Through DNA From Your Grandparents, Say Scientists

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Enthusiasm begets enthusiasm.

Challenge that hypothesis. Prove the universe wrong. Even if the person has been weaned on a pickle, your joy, with the proper frequency will be delivered, your job is done, and your frequency is secured. 

Be nice to your UPS drivers. If your dog is at risk or risky, keep them contained. Its the courteous thing to do. 

Buffalo wings don’t come from “a buffalo”, they come from Buffalo

Johnny Appleseed never saw the trees he planted, nor did he taste directly of the fruits if his Labors. You can count the seeds in an apple, but can you count the apples from a single seed?

How do you make someone’s day?

How do you go out of your way to show up for others?

Sharing meaningful enthusiasm isnt about changing others, its about retaining yourself, and your frequency. Hold your enthusiastic ground.

Do your part, and do it well…


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🐦 Tweet the Podcast @FeelingYourOats

Generational Healing Through Family History
Memories Are Passed Through DNA From Your Grandparents, Say Scientists

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As a young man just out of high school I had the opportunity to participate in completing a mission for my church. I was assigned to a large regional area in western Pennsylvania, which included parts of NY OH and WV. One of the first places I lived was Westfield NY. While visiting friends in nearby Fredonia and Dunkirk NY I had my first experience with the original Buffalo Wings, originally from nearby Buffalo NY. Those Buffalo hot wings were made at the time from Franks RedHot sauce and a little butter. If you havent ever had Buffalo Eggs, please look me up on my instagram @FYO.Podcast for details. A link is always included in the show notes. 

Well along with new foods and new towns, We participated in a variety of community service details in hospitals, libraries, rehabilitation centers, and different community organizations. 

There were several other young men and women serving in these areas as well. And on several occasions in the Fredonia NY area I was able to tag team with a young man by the name of Troy Quigley. Both of us suffered from pathological optimism (and still do) so we got along rather well. On one of our service outings we were meeting people and making random life challenges to them. Something we seemed to do in random times and places. On the way back from one particular neighborhood in Fredonia, we walked past a grocery store, and as we came to the street entrance there was a car pulled up the edge of the road that had steam coming from the hood. So we helped the woman push her car back into the Grocery store parking lot so we could pop the hood and see what the problem was. The steam seemed to be getting darker, and by the time we got the hood opened, a ball of fire rolled out from under it. It was much more serious than an angry overheated radiator. I ran into the grocery store and grabbed their fire extinguisher. Upon returning to the car we agreed that Troy would open the hood and I would squirt down the fire. But each time the hood was opened, the flames came out so fast that he couldn’t even get it partially opened before it slammed back shut, and i was never able to get a complete shot onto the engine. So in desperation I laid on the ground near the front of the car in an attempt to spray the extinguisher up under the engine and get it somewhat under control. As we were several minutes into this urgent situation, i was so preoccupied with containing the problem that i had forgotten to worry about the car going kaboom while we were trying to get the fire under control, so in the new reality as I lay there on the ground, i looked up to Troy and said, if you feel prompted to run, dont leave me here. Well he agreed, and thankfully he never feel the need to run. We finally got the fire extinguished. By then it had fried the wires on top of the motor. The lady was pretty distraught over the event. As Troy and I reflected on that event recently, we wondered if that woman would have preferred a total loss of a car burning to the ground as opposed the the repair bill for having her engine well done. 

On another occasion While living in Arnold PA, we volunteered in a nearby rehabilitation and long term care facility across the Tarentum Bridge in the Tarentum & Natrona Heights area. We spent most of our time on the third floor. This is were the folks resided who were there for the duration of their lives because of their special needs of 24/7 care. We visited and played games with them. We did our best to try and sprinkle some sunshine into their lives. One elderly lady, who was suffering from dementia, wouldn’t eat, and was really struggling with wanting to interact with anyone. Almost seemed as if she was shut down and couldn’t understand or wouldnt respond. I remember sitting next to her, caring about her, and talking to her. She reminded me of my grandmas. I recall Feeling that I wanted more than anything to sneak into her heart and bring her a little of my contagious joy. It took a few visits with LOTS of my stubborn enthusiasm, and then out of no where she started to say a few words, to respond, and to interact. She eventually was playing games with us and eating again. I began to look forward to seeing her, and watching her happiness when we visited. I remember on one of the last visits to the facility, i went looking for her. I asked the nurse if she had been moved, and she said, I’m sorry but she passed away last week. I remember feeling the warmest sorrow in my heart. And just so humbled that I could spend a little time with her in her final days. 

Today is the first of October, and the cooler weather is starting to be felt across the country. In an effort to be ready for winter I took my old sunburnt Silverado into town to purchase some coal. My mama always loved the scent of burning coal, and I have as well. For some reason I always am found singing a chim-chimeny song as I reminisce to scenes from Mary Poppins. Some people like a little wood burning smell in the house, and go a little coocoo when its on your clothes. Those are my kinda people. Someone outta make a dryer sheet in that scent, (essence of embers, or fragrance of fireplace, or campfire cologne) I am just saying, there is a niche out there. At least 2 people that I know of.

How do i so easily get sidetracked. Where in the heck was I, oh yes….Sunburnt Silverado, in town, first day of October, getting coal…ok.  So i waited in my truck on the scales for my turn to be loaded with coal. When the driver/loader returned to the rock yard, i could tell that she was under the gun with a lot of Friday appointments, and probably wanting to be on her merry way into the weekend. More people started pulling into the yard, and I could see her glancing up at them, realizing that her work was piling up, and would make a revealing groaning sound with each additional car. I tried to be light and funny in my conversation to alleviate what I was feeling from her and to hopefully put her in a better frequency to finish out her day. Something I do as a life of the party kind of guy. But in all of my expertise, I couldn’t get her to crack no matter how much jovial I exuded. 

Well She did an amazing job getting my truck loaded and under my cash budget. And as she handed me my change and receipt I thought to myself, this is it, go for the kill or miss out all together, So i looked at her as seriously as i could and said, I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this before, but I’m going to be thinking about you all winter. Yep, that snapped her, big smile and laughter “no one has ever said that to me before” she replied, “thats a good one”. Inside I let out a very long and shrill war hoop, wooooohooooo, VICTORY for joy. VICTORY for enthusiasm. 

On a long Summer day In Rigby Idaho, i was about midway into my UPS route, and came to a house that was quite consistent for deliveries. She wasnt home the day previous for a delivery that required a signature, so As i knocked on her door, she looked very relieved to see me, and replied, i missed you yesterday…. I dug deep into my bag of enthusiasm and responded with a hearty and resounding “I missed you to!” To which she immediately blushed and smiled so big here ears nearly touched in the back of her head. 

My takeaways:

Enthusiasm begets enthusiasm.

Challenge that hypothesis. Prove the universe wrong. Even if the person has been weaned on a pickle, your joy, with the proper frequency will be delivered, your job is done, and your frequency is secured. 

Be nice to your UPS drivers. If your dog is at risk or risky, keep them contained. Its the courteous thing to do. 

Buffalo wings don’t come from “a buffalo”, they come from Buffalo

Johnny Appleseed never saw the trees he planted, nor did he taste directly of the fruits if his Labors. You can count the seeds in an apple, but can you count the apples from a single seed?

How do you make someone’s day?

How do you go out of your way to show up for others?

Sharing meaningful enthusiasm isnt about changing others, its about retaining yourself, and your frequency. Hold your enthusiastic ground.

Do your part, and do it well…